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seventeen, and a long way to eighteen
mahabodhi-an from '97 to'02
damai-an from '03 to '06
trainee lifeguard.
view her FRIENDSTER!


i blogged on Thursday, February 07, 2008


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200th post
i blogged on Thursday, January 31, 2008

lololololol this is like the 200th post,
which shows how seldom i post
and how long my posts usually are.

alrighty, supposed to start on typo drawings now,
cos i've had enough of typing and all for marketing, for now.
it's... 12.40am!
haha and i feel like sleeping.

school's been pretty good so far,
welllll, i guess.
charlene's quite nice,
like whalau damn hippy for a lecturer.
she speaks fast and is, haha, pretty funny at times.
as for tenghong,
omg slacker.
how i wish he is our lecturer for the whole block and not halfway.
i guess sometimes our school
thinks weird,
or is plain stupid. lol.
but i still love school nonetheless. :D

and im starting to miss rowing?
lol nooooo not hardcore or what.
but i've been like slacking around too much =/
and uh, i think i didnt mention this,
but i capsized 7 times during the race on sunday?
felt really stupid la,
cos i really didnt know why i havent got enough confident to keep myself dry throughout.
or maybe i wasnt focused enough?
haha idk.
but yea,
the fact is i capsized 7 times and probably got the last,
first time in my whole life.
i swear,
im never gonna make the same mistake again.
haha and not gonna let scary huge winds and waves
hold me down.
i think i really felt down the other day,
but idk,
seeing everyone else so happy made me think that,
haha maybe i can try better next time,
cos there's always a first time for everything (:

alrighty now, back to drawing fonts for typo.
and hope can finish everything real soon :D

/happy birthday amanda/race/clique/random
i blogged on Saturday, January 26, 2008

haha okay hi.
five more minutes to amanda's birthday,
and another 24 hours to lynette's.
haha and also a few more hours to the marathon race tomorrow.
well, hope it all goes well (:
and may TP emerge to show our pioneer strength!
ahahaha okay sounds funny to have something like that coming out from me,
but yaa,
i really want us to do well.
OH AND isaiah is going under SP,
haha and i wonder why isnt gaoxiang going too under T or something?
lol oh well.

thanks amanda for the great food and all,
sorry issac and i didnt stay for long
or couldnt stay for long,
but we still wish you happy birthday la (:
haha at least i bet all of them enjoyed themselves/
are enjoying themselves over there at her place (:

the outing with yol jing and fer was like one of the best.
haha so what if there was only the four of us?
omg the whole night was like madness,
full of laughters and whatnot.
haha i really needed moments like this to perk me up that day.
stuff happened and im not elaborating further,
but ya.
haha and so what if we didnt get any shopping done?
all was great still, weee.
love you guys la.

next block starting like reeeeeeal soon.
jus this monday and we're gonna start on marketing at three,
and tuesday with typo and layout at 9 then marketing again at 3.
hope all's well and nothing gets too boring or tiring.
haha esp when there's DOTC1 next friday and saturday,
plus chinese new year jus around the corner
lol okay, overreacting, but YAH, MUST SHOP SOON.

okay la time to sleep.

i blogged on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i wanna go shopping,
like, BADLY.
no idea why,
but my cupboard seems full with clothes and all
yet it doesnt feel enough.
CNY's jus around the corner!
and whoa,
damn early this year haha.
and well,
so many things have been happening within the past week,
i seriously dont know how to start.

but, thanks to giddy for listening and haha,
dont get sick again la.
your opinions and suggestions were jus priceless
and im really trying to make boyfriend and i work out better now.
and omg how shockingly alike lives we lead too.
haha you too dont stress and continue to love her like always.

and thanks to lyn for offering to help and all that jus now,
and know what?
those hugs were jus what i needed to perk me up for the rest of the day haha.

and to amos and hakim and amanda and ashely and yuting too,
dont stress k?
loves from me to you guys!

oh and sherwin, for listening too haha.
though it was jus for a while,
but at least i could feel better jus for a little while (:
sorry i didnt fill you in earlier though,
but haha, it'd be weird if i were to tell you like that.
well, that's what i think, heh.

and last but not least,
apologies to the boyfriend,
for making you worry so much.
but really,
it's not time for me to give you an answer yet,
and i really cant promise you anything.
i know it's better if we settle this quickly
so that there wont be much for us to fret about anymore.
but, i dont want to have to come out with an answer too quickly
without any further hesitations and considerations,
then regret it at the end of the day.
it's something important that i think would enrich my life,
and maybe both of us would turn out stronger than usual.
we both have our reasons for defending our stands,
but i really want you to try and understand.
i understand your stand in this whole mess,
but i really think that we could still work out fine,
jus a bit crumbly at times.
well i hope all that did make sense,
and please dont start saying stuff like,
"whatever la, you like then go do" or others similar to that.
i'll jus get very crushed.
and you know/have a feeling that if you were to continue
brainwashing me,
i'll still give in to you.
but, i really cant be soft this time,
so please stop your brainwashing,
i might jus explode.
but, i love you still.
and hope you'd get well soon
and be able to get your long-awaited driving license real quick! ^^

im finally done with my cd cover + insert thing.
taipang says can print alr.
so happy,
that's why im blogging now haha.
working on redbull now though,
and sighs,
i dont know how to make it better =/

and i realised that i cant take long naps anytime in the day,
cos i'll feel like im sick when i wake up
and have no appetite and all.
man it sucks.
but, ahh the nap was great nevertheless.
so much so cos im able to work better and more efficiently now,
compared to yesterday night.

all of a sudden im so nervous for this sunday cos,
i dont know, im afraid i might not be able to sustain well
on that absurdly choppy waters at kallang.
the distance is not a big problem,
but the water is.
hopefully the water would be calm on the race day itself.

sometimes some stuff are just too overwhelming to take.
but, we still have to overcome them and survive it all.
maybe that's why people like me think that life actually sucks to a certain extent,
and that life is unfair and whatnot.
i hope we can pull thru this period,
with the exam stress piling up on you
and all the submissions every end-of-the-block for two more months.
oh and also including all the days that we couldnt meet up
for one reason or another.
and dont be sad anymore,
i dont want to have to see the both of us so down and out all the time.
love you dude.

i blogged on Monday, January 14, 2008

to repeat,
hoodies are comfy ^^
dont you think so?


finally finished with the first assignment for applied illustration,
which seemed to have taken ages for us to complete.
then now he throws us another two to finish at one go??
good thing there's like at least 10 days,
or i bet we'll jus all get crushed,
esp some of my classmates who's got two mods.
all the best to all of us!

and open house was pretty much of a blast,
though we had to be at the reservoir on both thurs and fri
but in the end events were cancelled?
it's been pouring a lot these few days,
kinda like it,
but it seems to have dampened my moods a bit.
lol i dont know why.

body #19 was pretty cool yet scary?
haha havent caught a horror film for quite some time already.
but i do know that steph was really funny yesterday when 4 of us went to watch it.
she actually tried to sleep so as not to see the scary parts,
but it was really funny.
then we went to sakae to warm ourselves up,
and she puked after choking from laughing at her "new creation".
hahahaha the scene was unforgettable, seriously,
and i dont know how to describe it here.
like how they call it,
her expression and reactions were priceless.
but thanks for the laughs la, all of you,
hahahaha :D

well, i cant wait for chinese new year,
and the marathon end this month,
to see the look from coach's face when i tell him that
i cant attend two months of weekday training cos of 3-6 classes,
to watch more One Piece and D Gray Man and Bleach,
to finish up all my assignments and get a pretty A :D
to finish up d&d stuff and see the pretty productions,
to meet up with usuals again,
to celebrate angfyzac day at sentosa!!
to have fyrtho outing also at sentosa lol.

okay la havent got much to say actually,
that explains why the so-not-often updates.
many things been happening,
some bad some good.
but, yea no elaborations,
im still alive and pretty happy most of the time. (:

/oh well
i blogged on Monday, January 07, 2008

i i i realisedddd,
that i cant make it/wont be able to make it
for canoe training next block
and the block after.
well, cant go during weekdays, that is.
cos im like having 3-6 lessons for both blocks.
oh man.
why does my timetable have to suck so much?
but oh well, at least i dont have 6-9 classes,
at least not yet.
haha somebody help me to plan time,
cos i dont want to have to change training sessions
jus cos of my timetable,
and have everyone unable to come.
oh well,
at least i still have saturdays haha.
and, 3 hours free in between during next block,
and the morning during the one after.
lalala i dont think im that hardcore or committed though,
im jus addicted,
but not like those kinda drug addict kind la. lol.

went to great world jus now
and bought some clothes and stuff at dorothy perkins.
and guess what?
4 items for jus 60 bucks.
they were having a sale,
and yay new stuff.
have got myself a new top,
and one scarf that we're gonna share.
nice blue, i like :D
lol i still wanna shop more though,
lol oh well.

i blogged on Saturday, January 05, 2008

i am so going to fly to Europe and like comb the whole continent,
so here's hoping that all the pretty pretty
architecture and stuff dont all erode away before i can get there.
i am so going to earn huge big bucks so that
not only i can have SUPER good life,
my friends and family too, not forgetting you :D
then then then i can like fly to ANYWHERE i want
for SO LONGGGGG that i get homesick.
i know im dreaming,
i really really really really want to la.
i mean like,

though i dont wanna grow up so/too fast,
i really really cant wait to see how my future is like.
somebody please build a time-machine please?
i know it's not exactly possible to manipulate the what,
space-time continuum,
but i really really hope it's possible,

oh and i dreamt that i smoked,
again for the third time.
first was about myself getting a cig outta the box,
but then i changed my mind and placed it back.
probably thought that i didnt wanna waste it yet?
second was about myself having one,
i lit it, putting it into my lips,
then i woke up,
without even feeling how it's like to have the cig at my mouth.
third time, i took the cig out,
lit it like as if i've done it a million times,
placed it into my mouth and sucked in the thick tobacco.
funny that i could actually feel and smell how's it like in a dream.
i could feel the tobacco and nicotine flooding into my mouth,
then i was actually deciding of whether to suck the gas into my lungs.
i think i did in the end,
and i didnt cough,
though i thought i would cos it's my first time,
or okay maybe not cos it's in a dream.
then, it felt okay,
jus like that.
as i've said,
it felt as though i'd done it a million times.
i dont know why i keep getting these kinda things,
also not as if i hang out with smoking friends everyday 24/7.
rawr nevermind.

well, sometimes i think i fantasize too much,
oh well.